Tissue Cell Proliferation Quiz #3

The answer to this week’s quiz is 4) All of the above.  For more than 60 years, CPD analyses have been used to quantify cell proliferation rates and to determine the extent to which mammalian cells, in particular human cells, can be expanded in culture.  More recently, only 5 years ago,  Asymmetrex® introduced Kinetic Stem Cell (KSC) Counting.  The KSC Counting TORTOISE Test® and RABBIT Count® technologies use CPD data to calculate the differential stem cell count of mammalian tissue cell preparations.  Learn more about this unique CPD application here.

Stem Cell Counting Center

Below, subscribe to use free calculators for general cell proliferation parameters or for differential stem cell counting .

General Cell Proliferation Parameter Calculators

Select the following three calculators for free online computation of useful parameters for general cell culture proliferation studies:

I. PDT – Population doubling time

II. PD – Population doublings

III. CPD – Cumulative population doublings

NOTE: If you were redirected to this page from another source, you may need to re-enter the page through the Asymmetrex® homepage to access calculators.


Tissue Stem Cell Calculators

Select the free online calculators below for determination of the differential stem cell count of the indicated tissue stem cell sources:

IV. 34-hUCB-HSCs – CD34-selected human umbilical cord blood hematopoietic stem cells

V. hUCB-HSCs – Unfractionated human umbilical cord blood hematopoietic stem cells

VI. hAd-MSCs – Human adipose-derived mesenchymal stem cells

VII. 34-hMPB-HSCs – CD34-selected human adult mobilized peripheral blood hematopoietic stem cells

VIII. 34-hBM-HSCs – CD34-selected human adult bone marrow hematopoietic stem cells

If you need additional calculators for different tissue stem cell sources and/or cell culture medium, CONTACT US to let us know what you need.

NOTE: If you were redirected to this page from another source, you may need to re-enter the page through the Asymmetrex® homepage to access calculators.


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